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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Build a motion-sensing alarm with a PIR sensor and an Arduino microcontroller.

In this simple project, we’ll build a motion-sensing alarm using a PIR (passive infrared) sensor and an Arduino microcontroller. This is a great way to learn the basics of using digital input (from the sensor) and output (in this case, to a noisy buzzer) on your Arduino.
This alarm is handy for booby traps and practical jokes, and it’s just what you’ll need to detect a zombie invasion! Plus, it’s all built on a breadboard, so no soldering required!
Download the project code here.

Arduino - motor de 12v con control de velocidad

Hola a todos, aca les dejo un pequeño tutorial de como realizar con arduino un regulador de velocidad sencillo para motores de corriente continua. 

Los componentes que utilice son: 

4 leds 
4 resistencias de 220ohm 
1 recistencia de 1 K 
1 transistor TIP122 
1 diodo 1N4001 
1 condensador de 1 micro faradio 
1 potenciometro de 10 K 
1 motor de 12v 
1 fuente de 12v 

el circuito es el siguiente: